500 Questions and Answers on the Black Presence in the Bible

500 Questions and Answers on the Black Presence in the Bible

**Author:** John L. Johnson

Explore the profound and often underrepresented history of African people in the Bible with *500 Questions and Answers on the Black Presence in the Bible* by John L. Johnson. This enlightening book delves into the roles, identities, and contributions of Black individuals within biblical texts, answering a multitude of questions with scholarly precision and depth.

John L. Johnson's work provides a comprehensive exploration of the significant yet frequently marginalized presence of Black people in biblical stories. Through detailed research and insightful answers, this book uncovers the rich tapestry of African heritage woven throughout sacred scripture, offering readers a new perspective on familiar narratives.

📚 **Key Themes:**
- The presence and impact of African individuals in the Bible
- Historical and cultural contexts of biblical events
- Revisiting traditional interpretations of scripture
- Celebrating the diversity within biblical accounts

**Perfect for:** Bible scholars, religious studies students, history enthusiasts, and anyone interested in exploring the diverse narratives within the Bible.


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